Christ Church Fashion


Fall has finally come to an end in Greenville, and with the quickly fleeting cold winter days, new clothing trends have spread across the campus.  Even on the coldest and rainiest of days, Christ church students have managed to make fashion a key part of their days, dressing “for both comfort and style” as freshman Bralie Runge puts it.

From the shirts to the shoes to the dresses to the accessories, students at Christ Church use fashion to show their inner colors, creating an even more diverse community at CCES. Freshman Christian Merkt says that fashion should be “used to express yourself,” an idea shared by fellow freshman Wes Quattlebaum and many other students at Christ Church.

“When one walks down the halls at CCES it is apparent that students are up on the new trends” says sophomore Clara Riley. Some of students’ favorite trends for the winter time include name brand watches and shoes. Freshman Glenn Kelaher says she loves to wear her Michael Kors watch every day, while Christian Merkt says he likes to wear bowties and Wallaby shoes that go with the southern prep trend.

Opposite to the southern prep trend is the “hipster” trend. This style trend includes combat boots, oversized flannel shirts, and large glasses that can be either fake or real. According to Hayley Benedict, her favorite part of the hipster trend is the comfort of it. Agreeing with Benedict, Bralie Runge says that the most important aspect of fashion is to be comfortable, whether it be by wearing comfortable clothes, or by wearing clothes that you are comfortable in and make you feel confident.

Like Benedict and Runge, sophomore Carter Jay says that everyone should use fashion to “be themselves.” Personally, Carter Jay is an advocate for comfort over style, but he says that he definitely wants to work on improving his style. Freshman Davis Hauser also says that he is working on his style. While being interviewed, Hauser raved about how much he loved the poncho he was wearing and reflected on his own style calling it “poncho swag.”

Though they draw style inspiration from each other, Overall, Christ Church students agree that fashion should be used as a tool for self-expression, whether it is in the colors they wear or the brands they buy. “Wear what you like,” Carter Jay preaches, “and never sacrifice comfort for style.”