Leyly Bagherof: Cavalier Voice

Leyly Bagherof, a Senior, has been a passionate singer for many years. Starting her singing career at the early age of eight, Leyly has come a long way from her third grade choir. Unaware of what the singing profession would have in store for her, she decided to continue her passion with private lessons. However, nine years later, Leyly is still continuing to progress in her singing career. Having applied to twelve schools up and down the east coast, Leyly has received auditions from impressive schools such as Juilliard. She plans to major in voice, having only applied to conservatories and music institutions. Despite all of her accomplishments, Leyly admits to still getting nervous before performances, “It’s funny actually, I’ll be really nervous the months or weeks before but on the day of the actual performance I’ll feel calm.”

All of Leyly’s hard work has paid off by far. This past fall, Leyly’s voice instructor nominated her to a program. Her application was sent into New York along with an audition CD. Having been accepted, Leyly will fly to New York City and begin a week of participating in masterclasses. She will be studying under the close eye of professional voice coaches. At the end of the program, Leyly, along with other participants, will perform at Carnegie hall. This performance will be attended by professional music programs as well as college representatives.