Sushi Days: Why and How CCES Should Expand Sushi for Lunch

As a freshman, the transition to the Upper School has been filled with new experiences and changes. Some of these have been more welcome than others, with the freedom of high school being coupled with more work and more responsibility. The best and easiest adjustment, however, has been Lunch. At 45 minutes, the Upper School lunch period offers time for both eating and socializing, but the most significant lunchtime change is found in the refrigerated cabinet at the end of the lunch-line, where, every Thursday, pre-packaged sushi rolls neatly lie in perfect stacks, anticipating a swarm of hungry CCES students.
The inclusion of sushi on Thursdays has given students a weekly highlight, a pinpoint to look forward to all day and all week. Sitting in my W and X period classes suddenly becomes less boring, as I anticipate opening up the glorious plastic container, pulling aside the fake green blade of grass, dipping my roll in the small container of Yum Yum Sauce, and taking a delicious bite of a Sushi With Gusto California roll.
When asked about this year’s addition of senior Sydney Lee pledged her support for the dish. “I’ve had friends that thought it would be gross, but it’s really good. There are good portions, it’s not messy, and it’s very healthy.” It’s no secret that the CCES student body supports sushi for lunch, as there are over 73 members. But what if lunch sushi could be even better?
With just a few stacks of a very fixed Sushi roll lineup, the possibilities in CCES Sushi expansion are endless. Sushi With Gusto’s Website offers over 80 varieties of sushi packs, including a BBQ Eel roll, a Spicy Tuna and Quinoa Roll, and a Cajun Crawfish roll. With so many alternative choices, why would the school limit itself to just a few different rolls? The school’s self-imposed limits are confined to just sushi varieties. The very idea of having such a great culinary event occur just once a week is an outrage.
What I propose is simple: more sushi, more days. I understand that it may not be practical to serve sushi every day of the week. That’s okay. But, at the very least, CCES could house rolls 2-3 days per week (potentially a Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday schedule). This would give the students the sushi that they desire, while also keeping things logistically feasible on the school’s part. The addition of more options would give more choices to current sushi lovers, as well as allowing reluctant students to give school sushi the chance it deserves.
In conclusion, we are blessed as CCES students to have to opportunity to eat sushi rolls for lunch. However, we are just scratching the surface of how great Sushi could be at the school. By adding more days where sushi can be purchased, and adding wider variety of potential purchases, school lunch can become a true culinary experience. Gone are the days of mystery meat and month-old beef stew. It is sushi’s time to dominate the lunch-time experience.