2017 Student Body Elections

(photo courtesy of cces.org)
On Monday afternoon, March 27, the student body eagerly waited to hear the outcome of the school elections for the 2017-2018 school year. Rising 10-12 graders were entertained by a wide variety of speeches in the PAC. Students had until 1:00 pm to cast their vote online for the president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer positions.
For student body president, Alston Lewis and Cliff Gandis ran against each-other and kicked off the round of speeches. Both Gandis and Lewis voiced their concerns and ideas on how to improve student life for not just the rising seniors but the entire student body. Gandis was the incumbent in the race, for he served as the class of 2018’s president for the past three years of high school. Lewis was also a legitimate candidate for the position as he had served in the student council for every year of high school as well.
For student body vice president, Ellis Millwood, Jack Sanders, and Harris Sierra gave some intriguing speeches. Millwood talked about Saving Private Ryan, through which he compared the pride that the soldiers felt during World War II to the pride that he has for Christ Church. Sanders incorporated lyrics and names of popular songs while describing his goals for the upcoming year. Finally, Sierra joked about pop-up books and his qualifications for the position.
For the secretary-treasurer position, Paula Pieper ran unopposed and discussed her plans to make the 2017-2018 school year better than this year.
At 3:10 that afternoon, the results for the election were announced. Lewis beat out Gandis for the student body president position while Sierra defeated Sanders and Millwood for student body vice president.
Regardless of the outcomes, each candidate pledged to do the job of the position for which they ran and to make the 2017-2018 school year the best year possible.