Snow Daze!

Every year students hope to miss at least one day of school for snow. This year was no different, and storm Jonas made sure that dream came true for Christ Church students.

The hope of a snow day began last Thursday morning. Homegoing events and basketball games were rescheduled, but there seemed to be no word as to whether or not school would be canceled. Headmaster Dr. Kupersmith waited until the very last minute to cancel school, not sending out the official Schoology cancellation message until a few minutes before 5 a.m. on Friday, January 22. The delayed cancellation announcement did not stop Christ Church students from taking full advantage of their long weekend. Senior Robbie Lindsay said that he saw the Schoology post and went back to sleep, taking full advantage of a few extra hours of sleep.

Junior Liza Kehl was very relieved to get a day off. She said, “I was so anxious to see if there would be snow on the ground Friday when I woke up. I’m so glad school was cancelled because I hadn’t done any of my homework.”

Some students spent their free Friday getting ahead on school work like senior Robbie Lindsay, who spent the day emailing baseball coaches, setting up college interviews and going on a Twitter follow spree. Junior Radford Swent and friends had a very productive day as well. Radford said, “We axed a few trees, and Zachary earned the title of lumberjack.”

Other students spent their day having some much needed fun. Junior Sydney Williams said, “I went sledding down the Chanticleer golf course.” Junior Peyton Harris also had some classic fun in the snow by making snow angels.

Hopefully there will be more snow days to come in the near future. Keep a look out for those early morning Schoology messages, folks!