CCES Homecoming: Thursday

Sadie Burton

Dodgeball Thursday Night

The school spirit was continued on Thursday by costumes, the presentation of the homecoming court, and dodgeball. Thursday’s theme was throwback Thursday vs. flash-forward friday. The freshman represented their grade with hippie costumes showing the iconic image of the 70’s. Bralie Rungee and Sophie Temple modeled a Teletubbie and Minion on behalf of the sophomore class. The juniors threw back to the golden age of the backstreet boys and performed “I Want It That Way”. And the Seniors dressed up as characters from the classic movie, “Risky Business”.
During assembly on Thursday, the Senior homecoming court was presented. The court consisted of Sitton Furman, escorted by Michael Stone, Madeline Catanzaro, escorted by Jiten Parbhoo, Valerie Pruc, escorted by Drennan Quattlebaum, Maggie Hamberis, escorted by Will Wynkoop, and Eileen Robertson, escorted by Andrew Slade. After Mrs. Carter announced each candidate’s accolades, the student body voted for the Homecoming Queen.
Later that night, dodgeball teams met at the gym to take part in the upper school dodgeball tournament; 30 teams entered and one emerged the victor. The tournament was conducted in a double elimination format where a team has to lose twice to become eliminated. MC Crawford’s favorite part of dodge ball was “getting to compete against older people and beat them”. Ben Kirby said that “dodgeball is a becoming a great homecoming tradition”.