Senior Chapel
After a long thirteen years, the senior class’ time at Christ Church is coming to an end. The senior chapel, an annual Christ Church tradition, took place on Wednesday, April 30th, 2014. The seniors walked from the high school to the chapel led by a bag pipe player. Upon entering the chapel, the seniors quickly took their seats and the service began. Following Father Richard’s homily, he the presented each senior with a bible. On the inside of the bible were the infamous lines repeated at every chapel service. “May the road rise to meet you, may the wind always be at your back. May the sun greet you in the morning and the moon at night. And may the peace of God which surpasses all understanding be with you for this day and forevermore.”
As the communion service was ending, the school suddenly went on lockdown. Stephanie Pusker said that the lockdown “provided comic relief.” As the entire upper school student body, along with many parents and grandparents, sat in the chapel on a lockdown, the seniors happily laughed it off. After the fifteen minute lockdown ended, the seniors departed from the chapel to begin their march. The entire Christ Church student body formed a pathway throughout the three divisions in which the senior class paraded through. The seniors walked through the lower school, onto the middle school, and finally ended in the high school, symbolizing their journey at Christ Church.
Following the chapel service, the seniors gathered amongst their friends and families in the Upper School’s lunchroom. All of the seniors had (and still continue to have) big smiles on their faces, finally realizing that their time at high school is almost over. Somewhere along the chaos of the famous first-grade bonus word, Mrs. Tate’s fifth-grade math class, and the ninth-grade mystery trip, the Class of 2014 grew up. Their time in the high school has prepared each and everyone of them for what is about to come.