Men’s Lacrosse Starts Season 1-0

John Sander

Sophmore Paddy-Shea Nary jumps for joy after the Christ Church Win.

On Tuesday, the men’s lacrosse team beat the Boiling Springs Bulldogs 7-6. The Cavs came out to a slow start and lets the Bulldogs get out to an early lead, but a rousing halftime speech from Head Coach Joe Cummings spurred a second-half comeback. A few goals from the Cavs to get a one-goal lead and a defensive stand in the final seconds of the game led to Christ Church win.

With no game until next Friday, the lacrosse team will work to improve from the mistakes they made on Tuesday. The next team they play is Ocean Side in Charleston. According to Laxdad72, Ocean Side is the is the best team in the State. To beat them, the Cavs are going to have to have to be on their A-Game. Be sure to wish the Cavs good luck and come out to some games this year.