Electronic Cigarettes: The Cigarette You Can Smoke Anywhere
“Yeah I sometimes take a drag from my e-cig. The guava passion fruit mix with a slight hint of lime vapor cleanses my trachea after the slight warmth of my Coffee underground Quadruple Venti Non-Fat Half-Calf Coconut Caramel Espresso while listening to the triangular smooth jazz records of midtown artist, Antonio Adolfo, who’s pure artistic genius is lightyears ahead of his time,” jokes an anonymous Christ Church student about his use of e-cigarettes. But in all reality, electronic cigarettes have gained a large following in more recent years. Although they were once created to help smokers quit, many people have begun smoking them recreationally, including several students in the school.
For some time, it seems that the general public has been gravitating toward a non-smoking attitude. However, it may be surprising to some that this is not the case. Sure, the glamour that once surrounded cigarettes during the twentieth century seems like it has declined, which it has, but the popularity of smoking has also transitioned elsewhere.
Electronic cigarettes are reusable as long as their cartridges are refilled. These cartridges contain small doses of nicotine without the extra, unnecessary chemicals from real cigarettes. These devices must be refilled with cartridges that contain different amounts of nicotine. There are even cartridges that do not have any nicotine, so smokers can enjoy the flavored vapor without inhaling any nicotine.
The fact that e-cigarettes come in different flavors only increases their popularity among teenagers and young adults. E-hookah vaporizers, which are similar to e-cigarettes, are also common among teens. Like, e-cigs, hookah vaporizers come in a wide variety of flavors, but they claim that they contain absolutely no tobacco or nicotine. They are often referred to as “trippy sticks.” Another student stated, “They’re just fun. I like smoking them with my boys.”
As their use increases, e-cigarettes have been the subject of much discussion concerning their safety. They are not submitted for approval by the Food and Drug Administration, and their long-term effects have not been studied, so there is no knowledge as to whether there are any health risks.
According to GreenvilleOnline.com, cities across the nation are considering banning e-cigarette smoking in public. Some, such as New York and Chicago, have already signed this ban into law. These cities are “taking a conservative approach” by grouping e-cigarettes with traditional cigarettes.
In addition, a new television commercial advertising NJOY e-cigarettes has been released. It’s tagline is “cigarettes, you’ve met your match,” and encourages people to “return the favor” by giving these e-cigs as gifts. Although regular cigarettes are banned from most advertising, there has not yet been a ban on e-cigarettes.
Only time will tell if these e-cigs are okay or not in terms of health. Until then, smoke at your own risk.