Who would you bring back to life?

Who would you bring back to life?

Our Staff decided to answer the age-old question at every dinner table: Who would you bring back to life?

Eli Kernaghan, Co-Editor – Norm MacDonald. Norm MacDonald is maybe the best comedian to ever live. I know that’s a hot take, but the guy was truly special. Whether it be his time on Saturday Night Live or his later career as a stand-up crowd-pleaser, Norm always knew how to light up the room (or in the case of his performance at the University of Iowa in 1997, kill the mood.) I got into Norm’s comedy after he died in 2021, and boy, I wish I had listened to him more. His meta-commentary on subjects like life, money, fame, or his goofball persona radiates in every interview. When you paired Norm with somebody like David Letterman or Conan O’Brien, you never knew what you were going to get. If I was to recommend a little appetizer of Norm’s comedy, it would be this joke here: “In my opinion, if you’re going to fight the war on terror, a good place to start would be this nation’s haunted houses!” Google Norm Macdonald, and become a fan yourself.  


Ciaran Greer, Co-Editor- The Apostle Peter. As the founder of the Church and one of the disciples closest to Jesus, bringing back the Apostle Peter would answer a lot of questions about Modern Christianity. Since bringing back Jesus isn’t an option, the ability to get to know him from one of the disciples who was around the Messiah the most would be most certainly life-changing. Peter would be able to clear up many of the most interpreted parts of the Gospels because of his first-hand experience on the matter. In my opinion, a conversation with the “First Pope of Rome” answers questions about the legitimacy of the Catholic Church’s claim to being the “one true Church”. 


Elijah Butcher, Political Commentator- The Apostle Paul. Paul is one of the most influential and significant figures in the New Testament of the Bible, having written thirteen Epistles (letters to early churches) currently in the New Testament. Much of what he says in his Epistles is the foundation for church structure and teaching (second, of course, to Jesus’ teachings). Paul’s story is also significant: He was a Pharisee named Saul who persecuted early Christians until a visit from Jesus permanently changed the path of his life and his name. Throughout his time as an Apostle, he was persecuted by Jewish leaders and the Romans, spending years in jail and writing on how he persevered through his suffering, giving Christians a source to rely on when dealing with their troubles. My reasoning for bringing him back to life is similar to Ciaran’s: he could give guidance on divisive theological issues of today, including passages he wrote that the interpretation of is controversial. It would also be fascinating to hear him speak and learn from one of the first and most famous Christians. 

Mitchell Wolken, Staff Writer- Stephen Hawking. Stephen Hawking was a well-known English scientist who was affected by a rare neurodegenerative disease that caused all of his non-essential muscles to be paralyzed. What most people do not know about Stephen Hawking is that he was not diagnosed with this disease until he was 21, and out of college. When he was diagnosed with the disease he was pursuing his doctorate in cosmology at Cambridge. Stephen Hawking is responsible for the furthering and creation of many ideas in cosmology and general relativity, especially Hawking Radiation. I visited Westminster Abbey this summer and saw Stephen Hawking’s grave, which is inscribed “Here lies what was mortal of Stephen Hawking,” because his ideas and impacts are integral to our understanding of our universe. It would be cool to see what was mortal and to allow him a chance to create new ideas.


William Mims, Staff Writer- Chadwick Boseman. An Anderson, South Carolina native, Boseman famously starred as The Black Panther in the Marvel films Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame and Black Panther. Despite his brief time playing T’Challa, Boseman’s portrayal of the hero is among the most iconic and culturally significant in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He also played Jackie Robinson and Thurgood Marshall, two highly influential figures in the fight for civil rights during the 20th century, in the films 42 and Marshall. Boseman’s passing in August 2020 was both shocking and saddening to so many. Rest in power Chadwick, and Wakanda forever.


Brooke Grayson, Staff Writer- Shirley Jackson. Shirley Jackson is a staple in American literature. Some of her works, such as The Haunting of Hill House, have very popular film and TV adaptations. Jackson was a prolific horror writer but not the kind of horror that features zombies vampires and killers. She focused on the most mundane parts of life (a house, a train ride, a dinner with friends) and turned them into mind-bending terror. Other works of hers include We Have Always Lived in the Castle, Hangsaman, and The Lottery. She was a very gifted writer and a fascinating individual. I’d love to meet her, not only to talk about her works but to ask for writing advice.


Zoe Yearby, Staff Writer- Edgar Allen Poe. Edgar Allen Poe was an American writer who died in the nineteenth century. Some of Poe’s most famous writings include The Raven, The Tell-Tale Heart, and The Cask of Amontillado. Many of his works are read in American classrooms in an attempt to analyze his thinking. I would bring Poe back so that we could simply ask for his thoughts while writing these stories. I would also bring him back to see what writing inspiration he would be able to find in today’s world.


Reid Botzis-Staff Writer- Jimmy Buffet. I feel like Jimmy Buffet is one of the most unique artists as he made his genre “Tropical Rock”. His music is perfect for being on a boat, a beach, or at the lake. He is one of the only artists you can put on aux and have no fear that no one will like it. Whether you are 12 or 50 everyone knows and loves some Jimmy Buffet, at least in my eyes. To be honest, no matter where you are or what you are doing, It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere and Margaritaville being played is bound to put you in a good mood. 

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