Celebrating the Class of 2020 in Challenging Times

May 4, 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps the globe, millions are stuck inside preventing the spread of the disease. With schools around the world being out until further notice this creates a new reality for many students. By far the hardest hit is the class of 2020. With seniors looking forward to the next step of their education career with college acceptance letters and saying goodbye to high school, the virus has unfortunately prohibited a lot of these ceremonial festivities. 

That being said, schools across the nation have refused to strip the fun away from senior year. Plans have been set in place for many schools to do online graduation and with the spring bringing prom season, the CCES administration has taken steps to explore different ideas on how to celebrate our graduating cavaliers. A reoccurring sight on CCES’s Instagram is a senior spotlight. This post highlights a certain student detailing their senior quote, most inspirational moment, or their plans for the future. This is a small, but important way schools can commemorate their students. 

On Sunday April 18, our very own Mr. Halverson went live on the CCES Instagram to DJ, putting on an online prom for the students to enjoy. Creative ideas like this have been seen across the country as thousands of students will miss a more traditional Prom experience. No plans have been announced yet as to what Commencement will entail, but high schools and universities in South Carolina have already announced plans to hold virtual ceremonies. Even in the midst of a life-altering pandemic, it is inspiring to watch students come together to still celebrate these significant life experiences.

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